Terms & Conditions

1. The days for you will be alerted once you pay for the online class.
2. If you fail to watch the video again the video return will not be delivered to you.
3. The video will be sent to you after full payment.
4. It cannot be refunded after payment.
5. This is a complete online class and books do not provide tips for this.
6. Administration is not responsible for the repair of equipment or computer that you can watch video on.
7. If the money you have paid has been deducted from your bank account and is not credited to our bank account, please contact Office WattsApp and send the relevant receipt.
8. Office hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
9. There are separate fees for those who attend an online class and live classes.
10. Certificate will not be issued as it is an online class.
11. No receipt will be issued for the fees you pay.
12. Fees will be slightly higher for foreigners.
13. Tamil Vastu Shastra Training Centre Registered Training Centre It is an offense to copy, download or distribute to others without our permission.
14. Dedicated training are provided directly to those who want to do Vastu art professionally. Individuals who wish to attend have a separate charge and can post the option on WhatsApp.

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